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Terms & Conditions


Our aim is to make the camp fun, enjoyable and safe for all those who attend and take part. We ask all children attending the camp to respect the adults and camp leaders, respects all the other children attending the camp and respect the environment in which we are doing our activities.

All data stored safely and securely and is not sold to any outside parties for commercial gain or profit.

No mobile phones or expensive electronic or valuable items are to be brought to the camp.

Kings sports is fully covered and insured for public liability incidents. However if accidents or personal injury occurs, the normal procedure of kings sports will be to use NHS and local medical emergency services. In exceptional situation of serious accidents or incidents, relevant NHS services or support services are used, parents must accept any additional costs not covered by NHS. Kings sports cannot be liable for any additional personal accident or injury costs. If additional personal accident or injury costs may be required, this insurance must be taken out by the individual participants.

No refunds are available once the camp has started

No refunds are possible less than 72 hours before camp starts due to places being limited. However, the transfer of places to another camp are possible.

Please be aware photos will be taken for business promotion purposes and no names will be used. We cannot guarantee a child will not appear.

Behaviour a child is expected to follow the instructions of camp staff. If a child/participant is not following these principles/guidelines, or acting in a way, which is unsafe, dangerous or preventing the camp being fun/enjoyable for other children, as a last resort the camp management reserve the right to ask that child to no longer attend the camp. Unfortunately, under these circumstances no refund will be available.

In rare and exceptional circumstances any serious lack of respect for other participants, persons in positions of responsibility or the environment, facilities or equipment, this could result in termination of attendance at the camps without any refunds.

For further clarification - All participants/children on the camp will be expected to show respect to all other children on the camp. They will be expected to speak to other children in a respectful way. They will be expected to treat other children in a respectful way which includes not using any physical force or violence to persuade or coerce another child to do or say anything which they are unhappy with.
All participants/children attending the camp will be expected to show respect for all adults and staff members on the camp and members of staff of the host venue. Children/participants will be expected to speak to all staff manner members in a respectful way and follow the instructions of all staff members.
If any child acts in a dangerous or grossly disrespectful manner or in a manner which adversely affects the reputation of the camp, sanctions may need to be put in place. Initially this will usually result in correction by a group leader or if a serious breach of respect or physical actions occurs then a sanction of a short period of time withdrawn from activities or time of reflection with the camp managers may be necessary. In extreme cases of a serious breach of the high expectations and standards of behaviour and speech by a child/participant occurs, the ultimate sanction may be to ask the parent to take the child away from the camp, which unfortunately will result in no refund.

Photographs of the activities of the camp will be taken for advertising and promotional purposes of Kings Sports camps. Names of children will not be used without specific permission of the parents. We cannot guarantee that a picture may not appear in the gallery of activities at the camp. If anyone is unhappy with an unnamed picture being used or if this is an area of concern unfortunately this will have to be considered by the person applying and a child/participant should not be sent to this camp.


Waiting lists

If the camp you require is fully booked, you will be placed on a waiting list and in the event of any cancellations we will attempt to contact you and book your child on to the camp.


Friends requests

A request can be made for friends / siblings to be together on camp. We endeavour to honour all requests, however because of strict group sizes and group ratios, we are unable to guarantee this.



We reserve the right to exclude or refuse any person at any time prior to and during the camp if, in our opinion, that person is incompatible with the general well being of the camp.

To give the very best experience, we have a number of policies in place regarding the safety and welfare of the children in our care.  View our policies >>>


Capacity limits (Covid-19 restrictions)

The government’s roadmap announcement has indicated social distancing restrictions will be lifted on 19th July 2021, therefore we’re offering full capacity on our summer camps to ensure availability. In the unlikely event the UK government’s advice changes and restrictions are not lifted as expected, the number of places on our camps may reduce.

In this instance, we  may have to cancel bookings. Priority would be given to the bookings made at the earliest date in the year and any bookings which have to be cancelled will be offered a full refund. We suggest booking as early as possible for summer 2021 in order to secure your place.

Capacity at our 2021 camps are reduced to allow for social distancing. If a venue has limited places, this will show online with ‘call to book’ or ‘sold out’.


Circumstances Beyond Our Control (Force Majeure)

We reserve the right to cancel any Kings Camps place, at any time, and with any notice period, in the event of circumstances beyond our control preventing us from operating camp as we planned. This clause applies to the cancellation of any and all Kings Camps booking made.

In the event of the cancellation of a Kings Camps booking due to a circumstances beyond our control, we reserve the right to review and amend our refund policy. 


We accept all bookings on the condition that all children attending the camp are from a household where everyone has not tested positive for COVID-19.

If during the camp you or someone in your household tests positive please inform us immediately, so that we can take the appropriate and necessary subsequent actions.

If unfortunately you are asked to isolate we will be unable to make any refunds. However this will be taken into consideration when making any future bookings.

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