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Kings Sports Camp  –   Pre - Camp Information


We’re looking forward to seeing you at Kings Sports camp on the first day - (Easter camp - Tuesday,  Summer - Monday)

Here’s a couple of important reminders for you :


1- Arrival & Collection 


Arrival - 

Day 1 - 9.00-9.15am Please arrive at Kings Sports Camp on the first day, in case there are any administrative issues to complete.

Days 2 - 5    9.15 - 9.30am


Collection - 3.40 - 3.50pm

Parents/Carers please arrive 3.40 - 4.00pm to collect your child/children

(Activities finish at 3.30 and the children have a final briefing at the end of each day to prepare for the next day)

If another person is collecting your child, please send a message or email to inform us of who is collecting your child.

2- What to bring -

Remember to check “What to bring“ on the website, each day to ensure you are well prepared.

3- Drinks -

Can we suggest you bring drinks in a bottle with a screw on or replaceable lid, because you will be doing 5 or 6 activities each day and your coaches will encourage you to have lots of short drinks after each activity.


4- Weather -

Check the weather forecast so that you are prepared (eg bring a hat and sunscreen,  remember rays and heat from the sun still comes through the clouds)


5- Groups and Covid -

You will be in a group with other children your own age for most activities and you will have your own break out area throughout each day. There may also be smaller bubbles within your group and occasionally whole camp activities.

If you or anyone in your household tests positive for Covid, please let us know immediately so that we can take the appropriate actions necessary.


6- Spaces -

There are still a few spaces for next week, so tell your friends about camp and encourage them to come so that you can all have fun together


7- Awards Ceremony

This is advanced notice for the awards ceremony – On the last day of camp at 3.30pm, we will have an awards ceremony when all the children will receive an award. Parents are invited to come and see the ceremony and chat to the coaches and staff.

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